28 Biens à Vendre dans Roumanie

(€) 735000,  Glăjerie, near Râşnov and Bran,  Transylvanie
(€) 170000,  Ocna de Jos,  Transylvanie
(€) 199900,  otopeni,  Valachie
beach romania
This article analyzes the real estate buying process under the Romanian law currently in vigor from the selection of the property by the investor to the conclusion of the sales-purchase agreement and the validation of the transaction. All proceedings should be carried out or assisted by a lawyer, who represents one of the three key factors in the process along with the real estate agent and the notary.
Group of People Walking Blurred Motion
The typical Western mentality of' time is money' does not apply in Romania. As a result, the way of doing business in Romania is sometimes more informal than in Western Europe. Building personal relationships and trust is of great importance. On the other hand, hierarchy and signature stamps are essential, which can make business more formal.
tiles on roof
This article deals with the transaction costs associated with real estate investments in Romania, a country whose profile market has developed greatly since 2007, creating an attractive investment environment for investors worldwide. These costs vary depending on the type of property they intend to purchase as well as on its surface, but do not rise over 9% of the property value on their part and 12% all in all.
stone wall romanian house
One cannot imagine today’s real estate market without the help, both for the buyer and for the seller, of real estate agents. Of course, there are still plenty of people in Romania who prefer to make this type of transaction independently, without the help of a real estate agent, because of the commission. Truth be told, there are plenty of real estate agents/brokers on the market and there is room for negotiation, so collaborating with them may mean closing a very good deal.
Romanian village
No other country in the European Union has so many homeowners as Romania. As many as 96.1% of all houses are owner-occupied - compared with 66.9% across the EU, according to Eurostat figures. The reason: low property prices, advantageous mortgages and a lot of stimulation from the government.